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2020’s Most Enjoyable Occupations And What You Need To Do To Get One

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It’s been said that the old adage “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life” holds true. Are you sick of getting out of bed and going to a job you despise? The field of medical aesthetics is one worth investigating. This burgeoning industry is home to two of the 2020s most desirable professions: cosmetic laser technician and aesthetic injector.


Cosmetic laser technician: the most enjoyable job of 2020 

Cosmetic laser procedures have gained popularity over the years. Even though this therapy methodology is still in its infancy, it has steadily increasing demand. Customers appreciate how fast and easy they are to use. Technicians appreciate the fact that it is possible to run a successful business with just one or two areas of expertise.

The fact that nearly anyone may learn to be a cosmetic laser technician is, however, the nicest part about the field. There are often only two major prerequisites in most states:

Must be over the age of 18

Finish high school (or its equivalent, like a GED)

In spite of this, the requirements for becoming a licensed cosmetic laser specialist vary from one state to the next. You might also have to put in some time in the classroom under the watchful eye of an instructor, but that requirement can vary from place to place. No matter what state you plan to practice in, you must have the appropriate training to protect your customers and give them the results they expect.

Our Hybrid* Online Comprehensive Laser Course provides you with online classroom laser training from a range of experts across multiple disciplines, with several hours devoted to each modality, and delivered over the course of multiple days. Laser hair removal, photofacials, laser and radiofrequency skin rejuvenation, cellulite reduction, tattoo removal, radiofrequency skin tightening, microneedling, and cooling body contouring are all available treatments. Then you may get some real-world experience by scheduling your clinical rotations at any of our campuses across the country.


The Aesthetic Injector: 2020’s Most Enjoyable Profession

In contrast to aesthetic laser technicians, medical training is required for aesthetic injectors. Injecting patients with cosmetic fillers takes a higher level of care and education than delivering other non-invasive procedures, although both professions have this common ground.

Aesthetic injectors that have completed training are qualified to use fillers including Botox, Juvederm, and Kybella. There are a lot of aesthetic nurses that also work as aesthetic injectors. Accreditation as an aesthetic injector is sought after not just by nurses and estheticians, but also by medical professionals like dermatologists and plastic surgeons. As a doctor, your earning potential can only rise if you add fillers to your practice.

Our CME Hybrid* Online Cosmetic Injections Course features lectures and video demonstrations covering a wide range of injectable cosmetic procedures, including Botox, dermal fillers, off-label Botox and fillers, platelet-rich plasma, sclerotherapy, Kybella, and polydextrose-based (PDO) threads. Then you may get some real-world experience by scheduling your clinical rotations at any of our campuses across the country.