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Actavis Declares Intention to Switch to Allergan Name Arrangements After Botox

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Actavis, the company that just bought Botox, reportedly wants to change its name to Allergan, as reported by CTV News. Allergan, the maker of Botox, was acquired by Actavis Pharmaceutical in the fall for $66 billion, or $219 per share.

As far as non-invasive cosmetic procedures go, Botox cosmetics are unrivaled in the United States. Actavis has announced that the company will begin using the “Allergan” name worldwide, however, the “Actavis” name will continue to be used in specific markets and products.

The popularity of Botox is expected to skyrocket in the coming years. It is one of the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in America, serving 5 million customers in the past year.

When used for cosmetic purposes, Botox can smooth out wrinkles and make the skin look younger. Clients can continue their lives as usual, and the effects typically last anywhere from three to five months.