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Gleaming Palms? Check Out How Cosmetic Injections Can Be Useful!

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Excessive, uncontrollable hand sweating can be upsetting and unpleasant. Up to 1.3 million Americans have been given a hyperhidrosis diagnosis. There are several medical remedies for excessive sweating, but one of them could surprise you. The cosmetic injection Botox, which is also used to treat wrinkles and fine lines, can stop the flow of tears!


Sweaty Hands And Botox

Several medical disorders are treated by botox injections. It is a botulinum toxin-derived neurotoxin that targets wrinkles and fine lines. Although doctors now use Botox to treat medical disorders like muscular spasms, migraines, and excessive sweating, it was originally developed as a cosmetic procedure.

Hyperhidrosis, a term used in medicine to describe excessive sweating, covers all abnormal sweating. The FDA has approved botulinum toxin treatments for persons who frequently perspire excessively from their armpits. People that perspire excessively frequently have their clothes soak through since conventional antiperspirants don’t perform effectively enough.

Additionally, Botox can stop sweating feet and hands. According to studies, 80–90% of people with palmar hyperhidrosis respond well to Botox treatment.

Doctors and nurses will learn that Botox inhibits the nerves that supply the sweat glands during Botox certification training. This lessens or stops sweating in the treated area by preventing the release of acetylcholine, which causes muscles to contract.