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How To Remove Hyperpigmentation

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One of the most prevalent skin diseases, hyperpigmentation affects roughly five million Americans.

Your clients can say goodbye to hyperpigmentation and other skin-related issues with the aid of cosmetic laser procedures like intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials.

Learn about the procedures used in the medical aesthetics sector to treat hyperpigmentation.


The definition of hyperpigmentation

A skin disorder known as hyperpigmentation causes regions of skin to darken in color relative to the surrounding skin. Excess melanin deposits in the skin create this darkening, which manifests as sunspots, acne scars, or irregular brown areas on the skin.

The following are the most typical causes of hyperpigmentation:

  • Genetics. Some people have more freckles than others from birth. Women are more likely than men to have melasma, a common skin disorder.

  • Sun damage Your skin will develop more melanocytes when exposed to sunlight, which results in dark blotches. On the cheeks, nose, forehead, and other parts of the face exposed to year-round sun exposure, sunspots and uneven patches can be seen. Additionally, some drugs may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and cause hyperpigmentation.

  • Female hormonal changes More skin pigment can be produced as a result of hormonal changes. Darker patches may appear on the face and in other places during pregnancy.

  • Irritated skin. Inflamed skin might create more pigment and develop dark patches as a result of skin care treatments.


Getting Rid Of Hyperpigmentation

Photofacial treatments are one of the best techniques to cure hyperpigmentation. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is used in a series of photofacials to lighten freckles, age spots, rosacea, and sun damage. This cosmetic procedure can help improve the texture of skin that is prone to acne while shrinking enlarged pores.

Photofacials can: In addition to enhancing the general appearance of skin discoloration

  • By promoting collagen growth, you can make wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable.

  • Avoid ingrown hairs because they can harm and even kill hair follicles.