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Use Body Balancing Training To Control Estrogen Dominance

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Did you know that elevated levels of estrogen contribute to weight gain in both sexes, just like a poor diet and lack of exercise? Estrogen dominance is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack; it might be the root of many seemingly unrelated problems. In today’s post, we’ll dive into the root reasons for estrogen dominance and how our 2-day Body Balancing Weekend Course may help men and women alike.


What Results from Excessive Estrogen?

Maintaining a healthy estrogen balance is critical for effective fat loss. Obesity, water retention, bloating, and other health problems are only some of the side effects of estrogen dominance. Hormonal imbalance can be brought on by stress and old age. Reduced levels of testosterone and progesterone can lead to estrogen dominance because of the body’s increased production of estrogen. In addition to being ingested, it can also be picked up in our natural surroundings.


When does estrogen predominate, and what signs do we see?

Estrogen dominance manifests itself in PMS, excess fat around the hips, and a lack of weight loss motivation. Loss of libido, short attention span, cellulite, hot flashes, fatigue, sleeplessness, uterine fibroids, varicose veins, osteoporosis, ovarian and breast cysts, and gallstones are a few more symptoms. Having an estrogen dominance profile has been linked to an increased danger of cardiovascular illness, cancer, and stroke.


Is There a Cure for Excessive Estrogen?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), HCG weight loss, and nonsurgical body contouring are all effective treatments for estrogen dominance and the unpleasant effects it can have on a woman’s body.


Hormone Replacement Therapy Using Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the gold standard treatment for estrogen dominance. Treatment with dietary supplements and/or the insertion of plant-derived, non-synthetic pellets into the skin near the thigh constitute BHRT, a highly effective approach. The best way to regulate your hormones is to take a supplement orally or have time-release pellets containing legal human hormones inserted under your skin.


Weight Loss With HCG

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, encourages the use of fat for energy while protecting lean muscle mass. HCG is an injectable hormone used in a weight loss program to aid in the reduction of fat storage while adhering to a low-calorie diet of 500 calories per day.

Consumers are urged to switch to organic sources of protein, veggies, and seafood. Whereas, all forms of dairy, carbohydrates, alcohol, and sugar are strongly discouraged during the diet. HCG allows dieters to stick to a low-calorie diet without suffering from severe hunger, making it easier to shed extra pounds. Under the care of a qualified physician, patients can expect to shed between one and two pounds every day for up to six weeks.


Alternatives to Liposuction for Changing Your Figure

You can help your patients get the best possible results from therapies like BHRT and HCG when you combine them with nonsurgical body sculpting methods. All skin types can benefit from nonsurgical body contouring, and it can help get rid of the cellulite that estrogen dominance causes. Cellulite is made up of fat cells that are encased in septa, a type of connective tissue. When the body stores fatter than it needs, the fat cells become squeezed and push through the septa, resulting in cellulite. Cellulite is the result of the formation of a thin layer of fat tissue at the skin’s surface. Cellulite occurs because estrogen further weakens the septa, making the skin look lumpy.

The cellulite-causing layer of fat closest to the skin is the target of heat during noninvasive body contouring. As a result, the size of fat cells decreases and the metabolism of the superficial fatty layer increases. By increasing circulation with mechanical rollers and vacuum suction, a smoother, less dimpled surface can be produced. The smoothing of fibrous bands that generate dimples is another way that body contouring can help you lose inches.